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10 Simple Tips To Build A Brand From Scratch

10 Simple Tips To Build A Brand From Scratch

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If you are looking to grow your business, then developing a strong brand will help you.

A lot of small businesses do not put a lot of effort into branding, most of these businesses believe branding is done by big companies because they have a special & large budget for it. Note that your brand is what outsiders think of your business and a strong brand does not only differentiate you from your competitors but also helps you build trust and credibility in the minds of your audience.

Branding and Design agency Lagos Nigeria

Building a brand is very important for businesses of all sizes and shapes.

In this article, I’ll be sharing 10 simple tips to build a brand for your business from scratch.

1. Be unique

Perhaps it’s easier said than done, but it’s the truth. To attract more customers and investors alike, you have to offer something the market still hasn’t heard of. Your product or service has to be genuine enough to provoke wonder, curiosity, or even shock. The most important thing is that no one feels indifferent to your brand identity.

2. Create a memorable name & logo

Having a good name and logo is a key element in branding. It must convey your business’s vision and reinforce the value your business provides. The visual identity of your business is essential for success.

Also, be consistent in the use of your logo design, business name, typography, etc. in print, online, and on social media, because visual consistency will help build your business’s recognition.

3. Define your ideal customer

Once you have defined your mission, it’s high time you defined your target audience.

  • Make yourself wonder: who are the people that are going to buy my service or product?
  • Why do they need it?
  • How long will it be of use?

If you can answer these questions, you are on the right path. The answers will help you with both short and long-term plans, i.e. you will be able to create profit if you know what exactly your customers are aiming for.

4. Let your customers become your brand ambassador

Speaking of customers, they should be viewed as something far beyond regular “buyers.” You ought to think of them as brand ambassadors because every one of them is a walking representative of your brand.

Therefore, establishing a friendly rapport is essential, as well as keeping them happy and satisfied. Ensure that you always entice your clients to use more of your services by offering special discounts, loyalty programs, and so on. Generally, people love belonging to a club and getting recognition for what they do, even if it’s just a simple purchase.

5. Deliver great products or service

Let your product or service be quality. This is the best way to build a brand for your small business, your product or service speaks for you. The quality of your services is a great way to get consumers to appreciate what you have to offer. This also fuels recommendations from those that have used your product or service and as they say, word of mouth is the best form of marketing.

6. Be consistent

If you wish to break into a market, your brand strategy must be consistent. At the very beginning, you cannot afford to have minor alterations now and then – those would be a sign of weaknesses.

In addition, you aren’t that famous yet, so it’s hard to believe in a brand that is constantly changing its attitude. What you say on your website has to match your Facebook page. Stay true to yourself, and the people will begin to swarm in once they see you mean business.

7. Use social media

Now that we have mentioned social media, let’s discuss it further. It can’t be denied that Instagram, Facebook, and similar social networks have immense power when it comes to promoting brand awareness. Don’t be too lazy or penny-pinching to hire a specialist and dedicate yourself to brand advertising via social media. Your big break is probably a few likes away, no matter how simple it sounds.

8. Be bold and daring

While your product quality will get you far, being courageous will get you there much faster. Don’t be afraid to speak your mind and present your brand as the best possible product or service. If you believe in its potential, share your passion with the world and it will come back multiplied.

9. Use print advertising

Though it may seem too obvious and obsolete to some, print advertising effectively develops your brand. Everybody loves receiving presents, so feel free to have your logo printed on pens, USBs, notebooks, and similar giveaways. They will remind your clients of your brand experience and hopefully, trigger some interest as new potential customers.

10. Steal like an artist

If you have not read the book, go do so. Stealing like an artist means stealing things from multiple places and adding them to your work or workflow.

Get permission to copy your heroes’ work and use it as a springboard to find your own, unique style, all while remembering to have fun, creating the right work environment for your art, and letting neither criticism nor praise drives you off track.

Branding & Design agency


Every entrepreneur wants to run a successful business and branding gives companies a chance to let customers see the business for who they are and what they have to offer.

If you need help or guidance in improving your branding strategies, simply Contact Us. We’d be happy to assist.

Do you have questions or comments concerning personal branding? Please feel free to leave a reply below.

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1 thought on “10 Simple Tips To Build A Brand From Scratch”

  1. Pingback: Branding vs Marketing – Understanding the Key Differences

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