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5 Common Misconceptions About SEO That Can Affect Your Marketing

5 Common Misconceptions About SEO That Can Affect Your Marketing

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Search Engine Optimization is a big deal in digital marketing today, every business owner wants their website to appear on the first page of search engines when their relevant keywords are being searched for, this is because most internet users do not go past the first page.

In a nutshell, what is Search Engine Optimization all about? SEO is the strategy involved in increasing your website’s visibility on search engines.

According to www.searchengineland.com

SEO is the process of getting traffic from the “free,” “organic,” “editorial” or “natural” search results on search engines.

Search Engine Optimization is constantly changing and over the years, there have been some misconceptions about what SEO is all about.

In this article, We will break down the five most common misconceptions about search engine optimization and explain how to use them to amplify your digital marketing efforts. Let’s dive in!

1. SEO Is A One-Time-Only Thing

Many times my clients have asked me, “Can I stop SEO now?” And my answer is always no. SEO is a process.

The most important thing with SEO is consistency. You need to optimize pages, post new content, attract links, drive traffic, and improve your site’s structure on a regular basis. If you lose momentum, your SERPs will inevitably suffer. Your competitors don’t take the time to rest or sit idle, so you can’t afford to either.

Even if your website hits the top search engine ranking position, don’t stop. We will go so far as to say:

When your site is ranked at the top on Google, this is when the true battle begins. Having lost the number one spot, former rank leaders will increase their SEO budgets to fight back. This battle never stops.

There’s no limit to what you can accomplish with SEO… but only if you are ready to invest your time, money, and resources into it consistently. This is what every business owner should understand before paying for SEO. If you need results quickly (or within a limited time period), you’re better off choosing PPC ads as your primary digital marketing method rather than explaining why SEO doesn’t magically push a client’s site to the top.

This is a major misconception people have about SEO. Yes, keywords and links are important, but they are not the only factors. If you are depending on keywords and links to help boost your page ranking, then you might not be too happy with the results.

3. SEO works only on Google.

We are sure this is not the first time you’ve heard that SEO works only on Google. Without a doubt, Google is the most used search engine, but as the name connotes ‘Search Engine Optimization’ not ‘Google Optimization’, your website can be optimized for other different search engines, e.g. Bing, Yahoo, etc.

According to www.gshiftlabs.com, 400,000,000 and 300,000,000 unique monthly visitors use Bing and Yahoo respectively (Oct. 2016).

4. Focuses on Quantity over Quality.

It is not just about how frequent you put out content; search engine algorithms recognize high-quality content and if something is particularly high quality it will sell. Although it might be tough at the beginning, but quality is definitely the safe path to SEO.

Note that quantity (consistency) is equally good when they are quality content.

5. SEO is for the Big Brands

SEO is not only for the big industry leaders; smaller businesses can also get results through search engine optimization.


For your business to survive in today’s competitive market, SEO is very important. Search engines serve millions of internet users every day.

So, take advantage of SEO to grow your business and meet its objective.

We really hope you’ve found this article helpful.

If you need help or guidance in improving your website search engine optimization, simply Contact Us. We’d be happy to assist.

Do you have questions or comments concerning search engine optimization? Please feel free to leave a reply below.

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